
Russia Slams UNGA Resolution on Myanmar as Politicized

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - The Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyanskiy, described the new UN resolution on Myanmar as politicized and tendentious.

The UN General Assembly on Friday adopted a draft resolution calling on all countries to stop selling weapons to Myanmar, as well as urging the country's military government to release all detained citizens. Russia is one of 36 countries that abstained from the UN vote on denying access to weapons to the military junta.

"If you talk about the content of it, then we are compelled to note that the authors were not able to show a balanced approach and an appropriate level of understanding of the complexity and multifaceted nature of the current realities inside Myanmar. Instead of that, the text attempts to push forward one-dimensional national priorities of certain member states. The draft resolution stands out due to its politicized nature and some of its passages are openly biased or they are divorced from reality," Polyanskiy said at the UNGA meeting.

The military in Myanmar seized control of the nation in a coup d'état on February 1, 2021. There have been mass protests since the coup was staged. The military junta asserts that it their move is justified and have promised to peacefully transfer power after a new election, although no date for a vote has been set.
