The Backstory

British Ship Sails Into Russian Waters in Crimea, Russia Fires Warning Shots

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan and co-host John Kiriakou discussed current events, including Russia summoning the British ambassador over an incident where a destroyer entered the Black Sea, and John McAfee dying in Spanish prison. 


Barrett Brown - Activist and Journalist | Champion of Transparency, Project PM, and Seeking Asylum in the UK

Howie Hawkins - Co-founder of Green Party of The United States, 2020 Presidential Green Party Nominee | Ranked Choice Voting, Third Parties, and Andrew Yang’s Mayoral Efforts

In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Barrett Brown on his work with anonymous, Barrett’s imprisonment in the UK, and crowdsourcing research. Barrett talked about his activism against the intelligence community and how his activism led him to prison. Barrett spoke on the failures of the media, to hold the intelligence community accountable.

In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Howie Hawkins on building political coalitions, local media, and organized labor. Howie discussed the H.R. 1 voting rights bill unable to pass and the Democratic party's failures to compromise with Republicans. Howie spoke on the success of rank choice voting for third parties and using ranked-choice voting to build coalitions. 

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