
Pelosi Reveals Select Committee Will Be Created to Investigate Capitol Riot

Senate Republicans previously blocked an initiative passed in the House of Representatives that sought to establish a bipartisan commission to investigate the factors that allowed for thousands of Trump loyalists to storm the US Capitol. The bid, which failed in the Senate with a 54-35 vote, needed 60 votes to proceed.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Thursday that she will be establishing a select committee to investigate the deadly January 6 attack on the US Capitol, weeks after a previous effort to organize an independent 9/11-style commission was blocked in the US Senate.

Pelosi informed reporters during a conference that the select committee would include Republicans, and that she would not enforce a time restriction stipulating when the committee would have to release its findings. She did not specify which lawmakers would be appointed or what rules they would need to follow. 

It’s worth noting that unlike the previously blocked commission, the structure of the select committee will grant Democrats more control over the investigation, and will more than likely set off allegations of partisan bias.

While Pelosi acknowledged that she still hopes a commission can be established in the future, she did indicate she sees the select committee as more “complementary, not instead of” the more in-depth probe. Earlier this month, US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) hinted that he would attempt to “force” another vote on the commission.

Pelosi Reveals Select Committee Will Be Created to Investigate Capitol Riot
"It is imperative that we establish the truth of that day and ensure an attack of that kind cannot happen, and that we root out the causes of it all,” Pelosi told reporters. “The select committee will investigate and report on the facts and the causes of the attack.”

The committee is also expected to offer recommendations for the prevention of any attacks that may unfold in the future.

"The select committee is about our democracy, and about ensuring that the Capitol dome remains a symbol of freedom, about preserving America's role as an emblem of resilience, determination and hope," Pelosi continued. "That is our purpose. That is what the select committee will be about, and that is about seeking and finding the truth."

Taking a dig at her Republican colleagues, Pelosi stated that members of the GOP “are afraid of the truth.” Over the last several months, Republican lawmakers have sided against such investigations on account of growing concerns that such efforts could prevent the party from winning back control of the US Senate or picking up new seats in either of the congressional chambers.

Pelosi’s announcement came as Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on the same day that the US Department of Justice has arrested over 500 individuals who were linked to the Capitol riot. Garland has stated that approximately 100 of the arrestees were persons charged with assaulting a federal officer. 
