Political Misfits

Capitalism Loses its Shine; The Battle for Housing; Palestine Action

Supreme Court extends eviction moratorium through July. How housing should be a basic human right and not a speculative commodity.
Ray Baker, political analyst and host of the podcast Public Agenda, and Sean Blackmon, co-host of By Any Means Necessary, join us to talk about a new poll conducted in San Francisco, where crime and homelessness were ranked among the highest levels of concerns, and how the framing of this survey purposely demonize the working poor and the homeless.  We also talk about another poll out from Axios and Momentive which looked at attitudes of Americans towards capitalism and socialism, and found that just half of younger Americans now hold a positive view of capitalism, and how these shifting attitudes could point a way towards a different economic system.
Tiana Caldwell, Leader and Board President of KC Tenants, and José Torres, Sputnik Radio producer, join us to talk about the U.S. Supreme Court ruling against lifting a nationwide moratorium on evictions put in place by the Centers for Disease Control, and how this is just kicking the can down the road without a real plan for rent cancellation. We also talk about the programs established to provide rent relief for tenants and the difficulties navigating various systems within these, how the onus is put on the tenants to receive help, and how this problem will not be solved without having a conversation around the idea of housing as a human right and not as a commodity.
Mohamed Elmaazi, freelance journalist and contributor to numerous outlets including Jacobin, The Canary and The Electronic Intifada, talks to us about a series of actions by the group Palestine Action against numerous UK-based companies connected to Israel, the evolution of the American left after the last bombing campaign by Israel against Palestinians, the continued removal of Palestinians from Jerusalem neighborhoods, and the news of the fabrications of a key witness in the Assange case.
Nookie Bishop, host of the Digital Gumbo podcast, talks to us about Carmelo Anthony winning the NBA's Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Social Justice Champion award, the controversy over the Gwen Berry reprimand over political protests, and the OSU sexual assault case.
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