
Ryanair CEO Lashes Out at Ireland for Hampering EU COVID-19 Travel Certificates

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Ryanair Group Chief Executive Michael O'Leary demanded clarifications from the Irish government as to why the country is still not connected to the EU digital travel system for COVID-19 pass holders, prolonging unnecessary pressure on the economy and tourism.
In an angry letter to Irish Transport Minister Eamon Ryan, O'Leary pointed to Ireland being the only EU member state that did not switch on the EU Digital Covid Certificate (DCC) for travel on Thursday. While the Irish government explained the delay by a cyberattack on the national health service system, the Ryanair chief dismissed this reasoning as false.
"Why have the Irish Govt not switched on the DCC to permit our 1.5m fully vaccinated citizens to travel freely within the EU? As a result of your Govt ineptitude, Ryanair now has to refuse travel to passengers from all other EU States who are fully vaccinated and in possession of a valid EU Digital Covid Certificate," the letter read.
O'Leary called it "discriminatory and unjustified" when fully vaccinated people with the DCC are refused travel. He also cited instances of arriving Irish passengers being threatened with mandatory quarantine and Irish border officers not knowing what the EU COVID-19 certificates look like.
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"This ongoing mismanagement of air transport by the Irish Govt is doing untold damage to our economy and tourism infrastructure as we lag 'Paddy last' behind every other EU country," the Irish airline's chief wrote.
O'Leary urged Ryan to join the certificate system without further delay to ensure free and safe travel between Ireland and other EU member states.
On Friday, Ryanair released traffic results for June, showing a leap from 0.4 million passengers to 5.3 million year-on-year.