By Any Means Necessary

US Buildings Continue to Crumble as Infrastructure Showdown Looms

Assange charges crumble as witness admits lies; Corporate media calls for intervention in Ethiopia; Leakers denounce dysfunctional VP office
In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, host Sean Blackmon is joined by Jordan Renee, a Free Assange activist and co-founder of the DCMetro4Assange group, to discuss the admission by the convicted child predator used as the key witness against Julian Assange that his testimony was manufactured and offered to prosecutors in exchange for immunity, the recent rally outside the Department of Justice demanding an end to the prosecution of Assange, and the ruling class motivations for silencing the persecuted Australian journalist. 
In the second segment, Sean is joined by Netfa Freeman, Coordinating Committee member of the Black Alliance for Peace, to discuss the withdrawal of Ethiopian military forces from the Tigray region of the country, the similarities in the media coverage of the situation there and the run-up to the NATO invasion of Libya, and the economic interests of the US and European ruling class in the Horn of Africa.
In the third segment, Sean is joined by Michelle Witte, co-host of Political Misfits on Radio Sputnik, to discuss the flood of embarrassing leaks coming from within the office of Vice President Kamala Harris, allegations of widespread dysfunction in the office of Senator Kyrsten Sinema, and corporate media portrayals of important public positions as ‘internships’ for unpopular officials hand-chosen by Democratic Party leadership.
Later in the show, Sean is joined by Ted Rall, award-winning editorial cartoonist and columnist, and author of the new graphic novel, "The Stringer," emerging divisions within the ruling class exposed by the fight over the future of infrastructure, the erasure of workers' struggle from collective cultural memory in the US, and how corporate control of virtually all major media outlets keeps Americans in the dark about what the government is doing in their name.
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