The Critical Hour

US Creates Unrest in Cuba and Haiti; Endless Wars Come Home to Roost

The US foreign policy of draconian sanctions and blockades are intentionally creating suffering and destabilization in the Afro-Caribbean nations.
Professor Danny Shaw, author, activist and professor of Latin American studies, joins us to discuss Cuba. US foreign policy of draconian sanctions and blockades are intentionally creating suffering and destabilization in the Afro-Caribbean nations. Also, the Russian foreign minister accused Washington of continuing to commit massive human rights violations around the world and focused on the blockade against Cuba, arguing that “the most egregious example is the embargo imposed on Cuba that continues despite numerous UN General Assembly resolutions.” 
Mark Sleboda, Moscow-based international relations security analyst, joins us to discuss NATO. NATO continues with major provocations in the Black Sea, as 31 nations are included in the marine operations. Also, the US is reportedly selling 250 of its Abrams tanks to Poland, and Germany is selling six submarines to Turkey.
Laith Marouf, broadcaster and journalist based in Beirut, Lebanon, joins us to discuss US foreign policy in the Middle East. In the latest sign of massive blowback from President Biden's attacks on Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units, US bases and logistics supply units in Syria and Iraq are facing ongoing attacks that have the earmarks of sophisticated coordination, and appear to be part of a long term plan to end the US occupation.
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence, joins us to discuss Julian Assange. In his latest article, Ray McGovern argues that the plan is to move Julian Assange around from nation to nation and prolong the process of his adjudication so that the process becomes the actual sentence. Also, 95 Greek & 10 Icelandic MPs joined the call to Biden to free Assange.
Max Rameau, Haitian-born political theorist, author and organizer with Pan-African Community Action, joins us to discuss Haiti. More US connections to the assassination of Haiti's embattled president are arising, as a Florida doctor is outed as a possible mastermind. Also, revolutionary forces inside of Haiti are warning against returning foreign troops, which they argue would support the oligarchs who are at the center of the tiny nation's problems.
Dan Lazare, investigative journalist and author of "America's Undeclared War," joins us to discuss US lawsuits between feuding Saudis. A lawsuit by a Saudi Arabian company against a man who has worked extensively with US intelligence agencies is worrying US officials, as it may give rise to the exposure of sensitive US government secrets.
K.J. Noh, writer and peace activist, joins us to discuss the Korean Peninsula. Russia and China are joining forces with North Korea to ensure regional peace. Also, North Korea is refusing any aid from the US, arguing that the US uses so-called humanitarian aid for "sinister political purposes."
Nicholas Davies, peace activist and author of "Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion of Iraq," joins us to discuss the blowback from endless wars. A Consortium News article from Colleen Rowley reviews several domestic terrorism and mass shooting incidents, and shows that the individuals involved were veterans of unnecessary US foreign military entanglements. She goes on to say that these incidents can be considered blowback from US foreign policy.
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