
Bull's Eye! Netizens Reckon The Simpsons Predicted Richard Branson's Space Trip

'The Simpsons' has a reputation for seeming to be able to predict events years before they actually happen: from Donald Trump's election as US President to a fictional virus called "Osaka Flu", with symptoms eerily similar to those of COVID-19.
Netizens think that The Simpsons may have shown Virgin Galactic founder Sir Richard Branson, who has just returned to Earth after making a short trip to space, in one of its episodes years ago.
Social media users have dug up video clips from the 20th season of the show which was released in September 2008. One of the episodes, titled 'The Burn and The Bees' shows a male astronaut who bears a striking resemblance to Branson, enjoying zero gravity in a spacecraft. 
Netizens are expressing shock at how a cartoon show that was first aired in December 1989, has made so many accurate predictions.
Other people shared other similarities between the characters who appeared on the cartoon show and how they chimed with real life events. 
Branson flew to the edge of space on 11 July aboard the Virgin Galactic aircraft and experienced several minutes of zero gravity before returning to Earth.