By Any Means Necessary

The US Needs to Sweep Around Its Front Door Before Attacking Other Countries Over ‘Democracy’

Left media speaks to Cuban representatives; Mine Workers Striking in Alabama; Information Warfare afoot over Cuba
In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Erica Caines, founder of Liberation Through Reading and Editor of Hood Communist Blog to discuss the historic press conference with Cuba’s ambassador to the UN the editors of Hood Communist were invited to, Ambassador Cuesta’s response to the accusations from the US that Cuba’s medical team is involved in human trafficking, his guidance on the importance of the growing caravan movement demanding an end to the blockade against Cuba especially among Africans on the continent and throughout the diaspora, and the need to focus on uncompromising anti-imperialism over the calls for nuance in the discussion about Cuba.
In the second segment, Sean and Jaquie are joined by Monica Cruz, labor reporter and host of the On The Picket Line Podcast to discuss the overwhelming success in union efforts across the country despite nationwide anti-union propaganda, the Burger King and Frito Lay workers highlighting the terrible working conditions and pay that forced them to either quit or go on strike, and the Warrior Met coal mine workers’ continuing their strike into the 4th month, even amid escalating violence against them and their families that is being overlooked by the police.
In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Chris Garaffa, technologist and editor of to discuss the bot army unleashed on Twitter following counter-revolutionary protests in Cuba, how social media serves as a battlefield for US-directed information warfare, how Europe is moving to ban biometric surveillance and how dozens of US state’s attorneys are suing Google for trying to quash competing app stores.
Later in the show, Jacqui and Sean are joined by Netfa Freeman Coordinating Committee member with the Black Alliance for Peace, and host of Voices with Vision on WPFW 89.3 FM, to discuss President Joe Biden’s address on voting rights, the arrest of Hervis Rogers for unknowingly voting while on parole, the hypocrisy of the US attacking other countries over ‘democracy’ and the inherent racism of imperialism.
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