
Just Me and You: SHINee's Taemin Celebrates Birthday With Mesmerising Performance Video

The video was first presented as a VCR during Taemin's online solo concert N.G.D.A (Never Gonna Dance Again) in May. Fans were instantly entranced by the artist who once again proved his unparalleled skills as a dancer. He presented a unique choreography and fans have long demanded that his label release the video.
SM Entertainment has finally released the special performance video as a present for the army of fans of Lee Tae-min - better known simply as Taemin - on 18 July as the youngest member of K-pop sensation Princes SHINee celebrated his birthday. The 28-year-old native of Seoul, who is also a successful solo artist, is doing his compulsory military service now, so Shawols (the official name of SHINee fans) were really not expecting such a generous gift.
First shown during his solo concert in May, the performance video has attracted the enthusiasm of fans, and Taemin promised to release it later as a separate videoclip. Now, two months later, fans can finally watch it.
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Fans also share their congratulations on Twitter.