
US, UK Need to Stop Linking Prisoner Release With JCPOA, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Says

Earlier this month, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said that Tehran was negotiating the exchange of prisoners with Washington.
Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Araghchi said on Saturday that the US and the UK should not link the release of prisoners with the Iran nuclear deal.
He added that ten prisoners "on all sides" may be freed on Sunday if Washington and London fulfill their obligations under the deal.
The minister added that the nuclear deal negotiations in Vienna must wait for the new administration of President-elect Ebrahim Raisi to be inaugurated. 
The US and Iran have been in talks over the exchange of prisoners for the past several years. A partial swap took place in 2016, the year after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed. Another swap happened in 2019. ​