
Post-Lockdown UK Compared to Hunger Games for 'Covidiots' on Social Media

Mockery and bitter sarcasm have filled the UK social media newsfeeds following the re-opening of England on 19 July.
An element of social division has been present among Brits, who are, as of 19 July, subject to minimal coronavirus restrictions.
Most of mandatory restrictions in England and Wales were lifted on Monday. The government has advised using face coverings where appropriate but only the London public transport (TfL) so far has made it an obligatory condition. 
The social disagreement on whether the lifting of the lockdown rules is a timely and well-thought out move has reached the social media, with the hashtag “Covidiots” trending online.
England was meant to enter the final phase of the gradual easing of restrictions on 21 June, but the transition was delayed due to rising infection rates.