
Paranormal Activity: Colombian Mayor Shares Video of 'Ghost Attack' in His Office

Some places are very dangerous at night, but it seems that sometimes even the safest and dullest place, like a government office, can be afflicted by something beyond our comprehension.
A Colombian mayor has claimed that a ghost attacked one of his security guards, sharing a video of the incident on his social media, baffling thousands. According to the mayor of the town of Armenia, Jose Manuel Rios Morales, the assault occurred in his office during the night time.
"I want to share this video with you today, emphasising that, as mayor, I have the conviction that faith has insurmountable power", Morales caption the Facebook video. "We ask for respect and a union in prayer, and we assure you that nothing can steal our peace and tranquillity because we are protected by the hand of our Lord".
He added that the local bishop and other religious leaders "will bring God's blessing to every corner of this workspace" to stop the paranormal activity, also urging people to remain calm and pray to the Lord.
The footage shared by the official shows a guard being slammed into the wall, as if someone invisible had pushed him, and then crawling on the ground, where he appears to resist some force tugging on him.
While some people mocked the mayor and stressed that the video was fake, others expressed their support for Morales.