
Tara Reade Calls for Probe Into Joe Biden, Suggests He 'Should Resign' Amid NY Gov Cuomo Departure

Tara Reade, a former aide for US President Joe Biden, had accused him of sexually assaulting her back in 1993 - a claim that Biden has vehemently denied. Reade's allegations did not receive significant media or US Department of Justice (DoJ) attention.
Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer, reacted to the decision by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign and the scandal around the sexual harassment allegations made against him, suggesting that Cuomo is not the only one who needs to step down.
The former Biden aide, who last year made her own harassment allegations against her ex-boss, also grilled Time's Up, a non-profit organization supposed to assist victims of sexual assault that saw its leader, Roberta Kaplan, resigning after it was revealed that she had consulted Cuomo aides on the allegations.
"My heart is with the brave Cuomo survivors who endured attempts to discredit them like I did coming forward about Joe Biden with the help of non-profits that were supposed to help women like Time's Up," Reade told Fox News. "May there be some measure of justice for the survivors. Now, let's call for a real investigation into Joe Biden and expose the corruption protecting powerful predators."
Reade asserted that Time's Up had committed a "hideous betrayal", choosing to "protect their most powerful friends" instead of victims of sexual harassment.
When claiming that Biden penetrated her with his fingers back in 1993, Reade sought help from Time's Up before going public, asking the firm to help decrease her legal costs. However, she said that they denied her funds over concerns that it would affect their non-profit status since, at the time, her allegations were targeted against a politician running for office.
"I hope for justice. Cuomo resigned today and Biden should also resign", Reade stated, noting that she views the Cuomo resignation as "a signal to the powerful men with nasty behavior that survivors' voices will be heard and their behavior no longer rewarded." 
Reade rolled out her allegations against Biden during the latter's presidential campaign in 2020, joining several other women making similar claims. Biden and his campaign have consistently denied the accusations that have never received media resonance or attention from prosecutors.