
Hatchet-Wielding Attacker Brutalises Man, Thrashes Cashpoints at NYC Bank - Video

The victim of the attack was reportedly rushed to a hospital and placed in intensive care.
A 51-year old man in Manhattan ended up in hospital after being savagely attacked by an assailant armed with a hatchet.
According to the New York Post, the attack occurred on Sunday, inside a Chase Bank vestibule on Broadway near Beaver Street.
A surveillance video of the incident, which emerged Tuesday, shows the perpetrator retrieving a hatchet from a bag and then proceeding to hack at the unsuspecting victim who was standing in front of an ATM.
The victim desperately attempts to fend off the attack as the black perpetrator continues to hack and kick at him.
Warning! The following video is graphic and may offend sensibilities
The assailant eventually turns his attention to the ATMs in the vestibule, smashing their screens before departing from the scene, having reportedly left behind both his backpack and the hatchet.
The victim of this attack was rushed to Bellevue Hospital where he was put in an intensive care unit.
"A man was there with a hatchet and [hit] my head … and my leg," the man said in Spanish during a brief bedside interview with the newspaper.
According to the New York Daily News, the suspect was taken into police custody late Tuesday, and that he was “taken to Bellevue Hospital for evaluation”.