
Joe Biden Speaks on US Efforts to Evacuate Its Citizens From Afghanistan

Earlier this week, the Taliban* warned the US and the UK that it would not give them any extra time to continue evacuations from Afghanistan. 31 August is the red line for the withdrawal of US forces. "There would be consequences" if the deadline is not met, the movement's spokesman Suhail Shaheen said.
Watch Sputnik live from Washington, DC, where US President Joe Biden is giving remarks on the American efforts to evacuate its citizens from the war-torn country.
Earlier in the day, the Pentagon stated that there is no change in the US evacuation mission’s timeline, which is set to end by 31 August. The United States has evacuated nearly 64,000 people from Kabul since the end of July.
On 15 August, the Taliban entered Kabul. Then-President Ashraf Ghani and fled the country to prevent what he described as bloodshed that would occur if the militants had to fight for the city.
Many countries have resorted to evacuating their citizens and diplomatic personnel from Afghanistan due to the precarious security situation, and some have pledged to take in a limited number of Afghan asylum seekers.
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*The Taliban is a terrorist organisation outlawed in Russia and many other countries.