The Critical Hour

CIA Chief Reportedly Met with Taliban; Andrew Cuomo Makes His Exit

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo delivers a defiant exit speech as a struggling New York state welcomes Kathy Hochul to its highest elected position.
Kathy Kelly, American peace activist, joins us to discuss Afghanistan. There are reports that CIA Chief William Burns met with Taliban* leaders during the Kabul airport disaster. Also, President Biden is considering extending the mission in Afghanistan, but the Taliban* is warning that any extension will cross their red line.
Ted Rall, political cartoonist and syndicated columnist, joins us to discuss New York politics. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo delivers a defiant exit speech as a struggling New York state welcomes Kathy Hochul to its highest elected position. Hochul is facing several controversial issues surrounding covid measures and a state economy that is trying to recover from a dramatic drop in tourism.
Greg Palast, investigative reporter, joins us to discuss voting issues. A North Carolina court has ordered that convicted felons must be allowed to vote. Also, the GOP is dealing with internal rifts in Arizona, and establishment democrats in Buffalo, New York are working to undermine the democratic socialist who won in the primaries and seems destined to become mayor.
Mark Sleboda, Moscow-based international relations security analyst, joins us to discuss Russia, China, and Iran's strategic partnership. The three anti-imperialist nations are coming together to hold naval exercises in the Persian Gulf. Also, they are in the planning stages on methods to restore political and fiscal stability to the nation of Afghanistan.
George Koo, journalist, social activist, international business consultant, and chemical engineer, joins us to discuss China. Vice President Kamala Harris is making her rounds in Asia trying to drum up support for the Biden administration's anti-China policies. So far, her success is minimal, as Singapore has made it clear that they will not be used against their top trading partner. Also, Harris is delivering fiery rhetoric-filled speeches about the amorphous "rules-based order" put forth by President Biden and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
Chris Sorensen, former US Air Force Arabic linguist, author, and military affairs analyst, joins us to discuss war profiteering. The Afghanistan invasion and subsequent occupation was a great victory for the military-industrial complex as trillions of US dollars flowed into the hands of corporate leaders. We discuss America's merchants of death.
Scott Ritter, former UN weapon inspector in Iraq, joins us to discuss Israel and Iran. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is meeting with US President Joe Biden ostensibly to offer an alternate plan for Iranian nuclear negotiations. Bennett has advocated for war with Iran from the beginning of his term and few expect a different approach.
Dr. Jemima Pierre, associate professor of Black studies and anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles, joins us to discuss the Global South. Dr. Pierre has penned an article regarding the disaster in Haiti, explaining how the vultures have returned to profit off of the misery of the island's impoverished inhabitants.
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*The Taliban is a terrorist group banned in Russia.