Following the takeover of Afghanistan on 15 August, the Taliban have been considering increasing their presence on social media, but companies are still divided on whether to ban the movement from their sites.
"Sixty-two percent of registered voters said they would support a ban across all social media platforms, including 69% of Republicans, 61% of independents and 55% of Democrats," the pollster said.
A total of 19% of respondents believe the group should be allowed but moderated, while 7% are against banning the group from social media sites. Another 12% did not give a definite answer.
When asked to comment on Facebook's move to ban content supporting the Taliban from its platform entirely, the vast majority of voters, 81%, supported the decision.
The survey was conducted from August 21-24 among 1,996 voters. The margin of error does not exceed 2%.
Last week, Facebook and TikTok, both of which consider the Taliban to be a terrorist organisation, said they would further ban the group and content that promotes its ideology from their platforms. Twitter, however, opted for a case-by-case approach, saying it would remove Taliban-related content if it is violent.
*The Taliban is a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries.