
'Taliban is Back – Not America': Trump Mocks Biden's Campaign Motto in Latest Ad

The Democrat administration faced harsh criticism from both sides of the aisle over allegations that its evacuation efforts are failing. Not only is it likely that the withdrawal won't be complete by the 31 August deadline, but a local Daesh* splinter group is purportedly plotting attacks on Kabul airport.
The latest ad published on former US President Donald Trump's website launched a barrage of criticism against the current POTUS, Joe Biden, and his policies. The video, which starts with fragments of news coverage of growing inflation in the US and the continuing global pandemic, quickly switches to the topic of Afghanistan, emphasizing the current situation there to be one of the biggest lapses in Biden's policies.
"Joe Biden promised Americans a future of growth, strength, diplomacy, and power. He told us 'America was back'. Instead, he withdrew troops from Afghanistan before removing our weapons, our allies, or even our own citizens. Under Joe Biden, the Taliban* is back – not America", the caption under the video ad on Trump's website said.
The ad labels the president's Afghanistan withdrawal as the "greatest foreign policy humiliation", with the 90-second video showing fragments of news coverage of the Taliban seizing control over Afghanistan, while accompanied by background audio of people who are alleged to be local Afghans expressing fear for their future under the insurgent group's rule. These news fragments are mixed with pieces of Biden and other administration member speeches, in which they claim there is no "imminent threat" in Afghanistan while defending the White House Afghanistan policy.
White House Says US Troops Face 'Added Risk' From Daesh Franchise Longer They Stay in Kabul
The Trump ad also name calls Biden as the "surrender-in-chief", and displays the notorious video of POTUS tripping several times as he was climbing a stairway to Air Force One.
During the 2020 election campaign, Trump repeatedly alleged that his Democrat opponent, Joe Biden, was "unfit" to be the president, questioning his health and mental capabilities.
*The Taliban and Daesh (also known as ISIS) are terrorist organisations outlawed in Russia and many other countries