Laura Amherst, a 31-year-old politics student at the Open University, decided to make a statement during the ongoing Extinction Rebellion protests that kicked off in London this week by flashing some skin.
According to The Daily Mail, Amherst, who previously rallied in a pair of knickers and a couple of "XR" stickers covering her nipples, explained that she's been going completely topless since Monday and intends to continue doing so for the rest of the two-week rally.
"Dancing topless brought a nice energy to the protest and was also a very body positive thing to do. A lot of people congratulated me for doing this, especially women," she said.
Amherst insisted that she wasn’t paid to pull the stunt and isn't trying to draw attention to herself.
"If me taking my clothes off can help save the planet then why not. I made the decision on Monday at the start of the protest campaign. It was my own choice, it had nothing to do with anybody else," she added.
She described herself as a vegan who drives a hybrid car, and said that both her boyfriend and father have been "very supportive" of her decision to go topless during the protest.
"We are doing all that we can to save the planet. Taking my clothes off gets people talking and also brought a smile to their faces," Amherst declared.
A number of social media users, however, seem more interested in her breasts than the message behind the protests.