'World is on Fire': Volcanic Eruptions Could Spell Doom for Our Planet, Pastor Reportedly Warns

Begley also pointed at currents in the Atlantic Ocean “slowing down” as another potential factor that may not bode well for our planet.
Evangelist pastor and conspiracy theorist Paul Begley from Indiana, who last year speculated that the planet Nibiru might be real and warned of space rocks hurtling towards our planet, has provided a fresh slew of doomsday predictions.
According to the Daily Star, Begley’s remarks come following a new report by the University of Cambridge's Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, which has identified seven volcanoes that could cause a global economic catastrophe if they erupt.
The report mentions potential consequences of volcanic eruptions such as clouds of ash halting flights and undersea communication cables being destroyed by eruptions, therefore wreaking havoc upon the Internet.
"At the moment, calculations are too skewed towards giant explosions or nightmare scenarios, when the more likely risks come from moderate events that disable major international communications, trade networks, or transport hubs," the report suggested. "Even a minor eruption in one of the areas we identify could erupt enough ash or generate large enough tremors to disrupt networks that are central to global supply chains and financial systems."
Begley, however, apparently ventured straight into apocalyptic territory as he commented on the report in question, arguing that volcanoes "dotted around the planet could cause 'climatic chaos, cataclysmic events' and result in the world catching fire," as the newspaper put it.
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"The world is on fire. California is having its second-ever biggest fire season, Greece is on fire and the whole country is burning, there are cataclysmic events everywhere including five earthquakes which hit Alaska and it is starting to get insane out there," he proclaimed.
The preacher also mused that the ocean currents in the Atlantic slowing down will likely "wreak havoc on the earth."
"What is causing all of these things? Could it be the polar caps shifting as prophesised in Isaiah 24? Only now is the science catching up on the prophecy," he mused.