
Twitter Conservatives Condemn ‘Terrorist’ Biden Regime’s ‘Murder’ of Afghan Children

The Biden administration's drone-strike slaughter of an Afghan family in Kabul was its latest breach of the peace treaty signed by former President Donald Trump in 2020, which agreed that all US troops should leave by 1 May this year.
Social media users have dubbed US President Joe Biden a "terrorist" after the air strike he ordered on Kabul massacred an Afghan family.
Sunday's US Air Force drone strike killed Zemaray Ahmadi, a technical engineer with a foreign firm, and nine members of his family, including six children. The ruling Taliban — banned in Russia and other states — denounced the "arbitrary attack" as "illegal".
The Pentagon claimed it had hit members of the Islamic State Khorasan Province* (ISKP) terrorist group, who it claimed were preparing a car bomb attack on Kabul's Hamid Karzai International Airport.
The strike was the second US attack in retaliation for the ISKP's suicide bomb attack at the gates of the airport last Thursday that killed 13 US troops and nearly 200 Afghans, including 28 members of the Taliban* providing security for the chaotic crowds of asylum-seekers. Witness reports indicated some of the civilian casualties were caused by US and Turkish troops firing into the crowd after the bomb detonated.
Conservative political pundits, with Mike Cernovich taking the lead, were not sparing in their condemnation of the Biden administration and its acts, dubbing them "murder", "terrorist" and "war crimes" — while slamming the mainstream media for parroting the government's "lies".
​Middle Eastern journalists and commentators also decried the massacre, some mocking the Biden administration's claim to have returned the US to the world stage.
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On Saturday, the Pentagon claimed it had killed two ISKP "planners" behind Thursday's bombing in another drone strike in Nangarhar province east of Kabul, but was unable to provide their names. Both attacks were launched without consulting with the Taliban.
Under Biden's presidency, Washington has repeatedly breached the peace treaty signed last year by former President Donald Trump. Biden unilaterally extended the agreed withdrawal deadline of 1 May, then ordered air strikes on the rapidly-advancing Taliban with B-52 strategic bombers and AC-130 gunships, before ordering some 6,000 troops back in to seize control of Kabul Airport as the Taliban marched into the capital without resistance.
The ISKP claimed responsibility on Monday for a rocket artillery attack on the airport that the US claimed had been intercepted by air defence systems.
*Terrorist groups banned in Russia and many other countries