The Critical Hour

The Russia-gate Hoax is Under Indictment; Biden "Forgets" US Empire is at War

The indictment of attorney Michael Sussman is shining a light on the Clinton campaign's involvement in turning the Russia-gate opposition research operation into a criminal investigation.
Ted Rall, political cartoonist and syndicated columnist, joins us to discuss the indictment of attorney Michael Sussman that shines a light on the Clinton campaign's involvement in turning the Russia-gate opposition research operation into a criminal investigation. We now know that the FBI illegally hid the Steele dossier's connections to the Clinton campaign, while Michael Sussman was hiding his connection to the same organization. Is it plausible to argue that the FBI was ignorant of the fact that Sussman was running a politically motivated scam?
Professor Peter Kuznick, author and historian, joins us to discuss President Biden's UN speech. In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Biden implausibly argued that the United States is not currently involved in any wars. Also, he named several nations that the US is currently targeting for regime change as bad actors on the international stage.
Jack Rasmus, professor in economics and politics at St. Mary's College in California, joins us to discuss the economy. The US House of Representatives has passed a spending bill that will prevent the shutdown and suspend the debt limit. Will the bill pass the Senate or will we see another fiscal cliff fight between the ruling parties?
Nick Davies, peace activist and author of "Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion of Iraq," joins us to discuss Iran. Iran has been accepted into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at the invitation of Russia and China. Our expert guest explains how this new economic dynamic will work to shape the future of the Eurasian group and whether the US empire and its coalition have made a drastic mistake in dragging their feet on the JCPOA restoration.
K. J. Noh, peace activist, writer, and teacher, joins us to discuss China. An Australian newspaper has taken the extraordinary step of recommending that the US empire and its coalition of vassals overthrow the government of China and replace it with a neoliberal group. Also, The Global Times argues that President Biden and former President Trump must both be held responsible for the disastrous new cold war against China and Russia.
Robert Fantina, journalist and Palestine activist, joins us to discuss the Middle East. A new article in Responsible Statecraft about President Biden's foreign policy argues that "the administration remains entranced by the siren calls of defense industry profits, under cover of outdated claims of security imperatives to justify continuing billions in weapons and political support to repressive governments in the Middle East." The article examines Middle East policy and finds that massive amounts of weaponry are still being sold to autocratic leaders in the region.
Dan Lazare, investigative journalist and author of "America's Undeclared War," joins us to discuss the AUKUS deal between the US and Australia. President Biden has torpedoed the US and French relations by stealing a submarine contract from Paris. Also, a former Australian prime minister argues that France has every right to be angry.
Dan Cohen, filmmaker and writer for the Gray Zone Project, joins us to discuss artificial intelligence. Former CEO Eric Schmidt is at the center of a Pentagon drive to control the world using hi-tech arms. Dan Cohen argues that Silicon Valley's political ambitions could cause a devastating war.
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