Joel Segal - Former Congressional Staffer, Co-Author of HR 676 | Recording a Jazz Album, Iron Dome Funding, and Nancy Pelosi
Ted Rall - Political Cartoonist, Syndicated Columnist | Open Borders, Del Rio Texas Border Situation, and Senator Schumer
In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Joel Segal about the process of making music, electronic instruments, and the debt ceiling. Joel talked about the infrastructure deal and the Democrats announced a deal in place to pay for the infrastructure deal. Joel discussed the negotiation process of a bill in Congress and the progressive Democrats against Israel funding.
In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Ted Rall about the New York vaccine mandates, the US immigration policy, and the "Haitians whipped by the Border Patrol" narrative. Ted spoke on the good immigration does for America and the Biden administration attempting to avoid the Del Rio border situation. Ted discussed the US immigration system and the need to provide a path to citizenship.
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