Political Misfits

Haitian Migrant Deportations; Germany Federal Election; Interstellar Visitors; Facebook Scandals

Christian Democratic Union Party lags in polls in Germany. Could there be a left coalition in the works?
Maru Mora Vilalpando, founder of La Resistencia, community organizer and immigrant activist, joins us to talk about the ongoing Haitian refugee crisis in the southern border, where thousands of asylum seekers have been deported to their home country without a hearing, how the Biden administration’s immigration policies have not differed substantially from the Trump administration, what impact could the resignation of the special envoy to Haiti over the treatment of migrants have on policy, and reports that some migrants could be transferred to the Guantanamo Bay prison.
Michelle Witte, co-host of Political Misfits on Radio Sputnik, talks to us about the upcoming German federal election, with the CDU lagging in the polls, how Germans may not only say goodbye to Merkel, but maybe to the CDU in power altogether. We also talk about the other parties making headway in the polls, and the possibility of the Social Democrats forming a leftist coalition with the Greens and the Die Linke.
Dr. Avi Loeb, the Frank B. Baird, Jr. Professor of Science at Harvard University, former chair of the Department of Astronomy, founding director of the Black Hole Initiative, director of the Institute for Theory and Computation, and bestselling author, joins us to talk about the ways in which the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua has spurred a more serious search for extraterrestrial life or artifacts, the debate that it has engendered among the scientific community, and the importance of keeping an open mind to new discoveries and sometimes bucking orthodoxy in the search of knowledge.
Ron Placone, comedian and host of "Get Your News On With Ron," talks to us about a veteran disrupting a speaking event by former president George W. Bush over his legacy in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and the newest Facebook scandal, which saw its Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer resign after documents leaked by a whistleblower revealed grave content moderation failures at the company and suggested it routinely buried internal research if the findings proved negative.
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