“The Government of the Republic, by order dated Monday, 27 September, released the members of the CEP from their links with the public administration. Thus, it was decided to cancel the decree of 18 September 2020 appointing them and setting the mandate of the electoral institution,” the office tweeted.
Nine CEP members were appointed by Moise in September 2020 to hold the elections and the constitutional referendum, but the Haitian Supreme Court opted not to swear them into office. The late president, however, proceeded with the installation of the body, which then faced strong criticism from the public and the opposition.
Henry prepares to appoint a new electoral administration after the formation of a new cabinet in line with an accord for peaceful governance of the country, signed by the prime minister along with several dozens of political groups and parties on 11 September.
In the meantime, the elections and the constitutional referendum, previously scheduled for 7 November, have been postponed indefinitely due to the CEP dismissal.