Trump Reportedly Told Putin He’d ‘Act a Little Tougher’ With Him When Cameras Were Around

The former president spent over three years of his four-year term fending off debunked claims that he had "colluded" with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election, and introduced a series of policies hostile to Moscow, ranging from sanctions to a NATO buildup near Russia’s borders, to "prove" that he wasn’t a Russian agent.
Ex-POTUS Donald Trump reportedly once told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that he would be a “little tougher” around him while the cameras were rolling at the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan in June 2019, according to a new book by former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham.

“Okay, I’m going to act a little tougher with you for a few minutes. But it’s for the cameras, and after they leave, we’ll talk. You understand?” Trump said, according to Grisham’s account published in her upcoming book "I’ll Take Your Questions Now."

In front of the cameras at the Osaka meeting, a jubilant Trump joked with Putin about “looking forward to spending some very good time together” and responded to a journalist’s request to “tell Russia not to meddle in” US elections by turning to Putin and quipping “Don’t meddle in the elections!” while waging his finger and smirking.
After journalists expressed reluctance to leave the room for the closed portion of the talks, Trump asked staff to “get rid of them” and told Putin that he probably didn’t “have this problem” of “fake news” in Russia. “We also have it. It’s the same,” Putin responded.
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Grisham served as Trump’s press secretary between 2019 and 2020, and as chief of staff to First Lady Melania Trump from 2020-early 2021, resigning in the aftermath of the 6 January Capitol riots.
Her book, set to be released next week, reportedly features a range of dirt on her former bosses – from alleged leering by Trump at a female staffer, to sexually charged remarks by him against Grisham herself, to comparisons of Melania Trump to Marie Antoinette and “Rapunzel” over her alleged lack of empathy and tendency to hole herself up in the White House.

Grisham characterises Trump’s daughter Ivanka as “the Princess” for her invocation of “my father” any chance she got, and calls her husband Jared Kushner “the Slim Reaper” over his tendency to insert himself into projects, create problems, and leave those responsible to deal with the consequences. Grisham claims that Kushner was Trump’s “real chief of staff” by the end of his presidency.

Melania Trump’s office has responded to the allegations made in Grisham’s book against the former first lady, accusing the ex-aide of trying “to redeem herself after a poor performance as press secretary, failed personal relationships, and unprofessional behaviour in the White House. Through mistruth and betrayal, she seeks to gain relevance and money at the expense of Mrs. Trump.”
The former president’s office fired off its own statement over the new book, with a spokesperson calling it “another pitiful attempt to cash in on the President’s strength and sell lies about the Trump family” and suggesting it was “full of lies.”
During her time in office, Grisham was criticised by anti-Trump media for her refusal to hold regular press briefings, and an alleged preference to give interviews mostly to pro-Trump media.
Her new book is one of nearly a dozen tell-all memoirs and insider accounts about the Trump White House published in the last few years. Other accounts, written by Trump's niece Mary Trump, former national security advisor John Bolton, former assistants Omarosa and Cliff Sims, and journalists Michael Wolff and Bob Woodward similarly feature a number of juicy "behind-the-scenes" insights into the Trump presidency, but their veracity is difficult to judge. Trump has dismissed most of the accounts, accusing their authors of profiting off his name and brand. Most of the exposes have become bestsellers thanks to liberal Americans’ addiction to dirt on the now former president, with books related to Trump far outselling accounts on the White House of his recent predecessors. According to a 2020 estimate by the New York Times, over 1,200 unique titles about Trump have been published since 2016, more than double the roughly 500 titles about former president Barack Obama during his first term.
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