
New Feature Will Warn Twitter Users of 'Intense' Conversations

Twitter is is trying to reduce harassment and abuse on the platform with new features.
The new prompt will warn users if it determines that a conversation might become "intense".

“Ever want to know the vibe of a conversation before you join in? We’re testing prompts on Android and iOS that give you a heads up if the convo you’re about to enter could get heated or intense. This is a work in progress as we learn how to better support healthy conversation,” Twitter wrote on its support account.

A person who wants to engage in such a conversation will receive a warning that it is very intense. Twitter will also remind you of the company's values ​​and ask the interlocutors to take better care of each other. This implies respectful communication, operating with facts, and tolerance for different points of view.
The feature is currently under development, and Twitter is still trying to figure out how to best motivate people to maintain healthy conversations. In addition, the platform is working on some other innovations. For example, the possibility of hiding tweets after 30, 60, 90 days or after a year is being considered. The developers also plan to allow users to hide tweets that they like from others, and by the end of this year it will be possible to exit the public conversation in the application.