
Glaring Anomalies: Why 6 January Insurrection Case Peddled by Dems Doesn't Hold Water

While the federal government and the Democratic Party are continuing to target Donald Trump's supporters and allies over the 6 January protests, cracks have started to appear in their "insurrection" narrative. Investigative journalist Jason Goodman believes the prosecution's case would have collapsed if the incident were investigated properly.
The Democratic-led January 6th Select Committee on 7 October subpoenaed Ali Alexander, the Stop the Steal organiser, and fellow Trumper Nathan Martin in a bid to get to the bottom of what it dubbed the Capitol "insurrection".
A few weeks earlier, the committee announced subpoenas for 15 people connected to former President Donald Trump, including four allies: former adviser Steve Bannon, former chief of staff Mark Meadows, former communications aide Dan Scavino, and ex-Defence Department official Kashyap Patel.
Ex-Vice President Mike Pence expressed scepticism about the Dems and mainstream media's zealousness in inquiring about the 6 January incident. "I know the media wants to distract from the Biden administration's failed agenda by focusing on one day in January", the former VP told Fox News on Monday.
The Senate GOP blocked the formation of the commission on the 6 January protests in May 2021 justifying its decision by saying that US government agencies and two Senate committees were already investigating the matter. In contrast, the Democratic Party launched a House Select Committee on the 6 January attack on 1 July bringing just two Republicans aboard, Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.
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Insurrection Without Insurrectionists?

Meanwhile, acting US Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing Phillips, who replaced Michael Sherwin as the prosecutor in charge of the Capitol breach probe, is continuing the government's charging spree against 6 January protesters. On 8 October, the Insider published a searchable database of all 671 people charged in the DC incident by that time. None of them have been charged with "insurrection".

"The FBI, Congress, the corporate controlled mainstream press, and other opponents of former President Donald Trump have repeatedly insisted that the events of 6 January 2021, were an attempted insurrection. Despite these claims, not a single individual has been charged with the crime of insurrection", says Jason Goodman, an American investigative journalist and founder of Crowdsource the Truth, adding that this is just one of many glaring anomalies in the 6 January case.

Either There Was No Conspiracy or FBI is Completely Dysfunctional

On 29 September, The New York Times reported that an FBI informant marched into the Capitol on 6 January, which to some extent echoed earlier suspicions by Darren Beattie of Revolver News and Fox's Tucker Carlson about the agency's role in the unrest.

"A member of the far-right Proud Boys texted his FBI handler during the assault, but maintained the group had no plan in advance to enter the Capitol and disrupt the election certification", the New York Times wrote. "[T]he records, and information from two people familiar with the matter, suggest that federal law enforcement had a far greater visibility into the assault on the Capitol, even as it was taking place, than was previously known".

While discussing the NYT piece with Carlson, Beattie suggested that there were more FBI assets involved in the Capitol riot than just two informants mentioned by the mainstream newspaper. According to the journalist, the NYT is covering this because the situation is "far worse and there will be many more informants coming to light in the near future".
"This poses a pretty severe strategic dilemma for the feds and their apparatchiks in the regime media", said Beattie. He explained that previously the US mainstream media assumed that the FBI did not have enough information about the allegedly "pre-planned" breach and therefore could not prevent it.
However, the NYT piece revealed that the agency actually had at least a couple of informants in right-wing groups who claimed that there had been no plan in advance to enter the Capitol. This narrative appears to "absolve" the FBI of not doing anything to nip the riot in the bud, according to the journalist.
Still, "the real beauty part about this is that even as this narrative shift protects the downside for the feds… it completely blows up another foundational pillar of the official narrative of 1/6, which is that it was a conspiracy… a pre-planned attack that was set up in advance", Beattie said. Yet, if it were a pre-planned attack, one would have to explain as to why the FBI did nothing while having informants among the "conspirators", per the journalist.

"Unresolvable anomalies are to be expected when one engages in deception", says Goodman. "True statements fit together organically. Lies inevitably lead to these irreconcilable conflicts of logic".

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Apparent Infiltrators in 6 January Crowd

The founder of Crowdsource the Truth, who was in DC during the protests together with Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel, says that there appeared to be a large number of infiltrators in the crowd on 6 January, adding that he has no evidence whether these people worked for the FBI.
Goodman notes that he and Ortel interacted with several individuals wearing Trump hats, carrying Trump flags, and publicly presenting as "Trump supporters". However, some of them did not appear to be who they claimed, displaying multiple signs of deception in the way they were dressed and in how they acted, according to the journalist. They spoke as if they memorised a script and "seemed disingenuous in our estimation. They may not in fact have been there in support of President Trump as claimed", Goodman recalls.
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The journalist explains that his suspicions are based on instances when individuals non-sympathetic to President Trump deliberately dressed like Trump supporters for unknown purposes. One example is Walter Masterson Jr. who published a video in which he is seen convincing a colleague to disguise himself with a Trump hat and American flag while Masterson does the same.

"Masterston also displayed several news agency logos while stating his intention to deceive legitimate Trump supporters into believing he was a correspondent for a national news agency including Fox and CNN", the journalist says.

Another supposed imposter is John Earl Sullivan, who appeared on national news, including CNN, and even sold illegally obtained video footage of the shooting of USAF veteran Ashli Babbitt.
"Sullivan was later arrested and charged, but unlike many misdemeanour trespass suspects, Sullivan was not incarcerated in solitary confinement, but rather released from prison while he awaits trial", Goodman highlights.
According to the journalist, "if the FBI is unable to detect and investigate the numerous anomalies pointed out by Beattie, Carlson, Ortel, [himself], and others, they are either dysfunctionally incompetent or deliberately hiding facts". "Either possibility is fatal to their viability as a law enforcement agency", Goodman emphasises.

"If justice prevails, the prosecution's case will collapse", the journalist believes.

At present, it is far too soon to determine if that will happen, given that truth, facts, and the law seem to take a back seat to the political motivations of those in charge, Goodman concludes.