AstraZeneca-Sputnik Light Combo Gives Higher Immunity Than AZ Vaccine Only, RDIF Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The combined use of AstraZeneca and Sputnik Light vaccines produces a stronger immune response against coronavirus infection than the use of AstraZeneca alone, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) said.
"AstraZeneca-Sputnik Light combination had earlier shown great immunogenicity and safety results in Azerbaijan and now in Argentina. AstraZeneca-Sputnik Light combination showed higher immunogenicity levels than the original AstraZeneca vaccine," the statement says.
It clarifies that these are the results of an interim study of combining vaccines conducted in Argentina, in which more than 1,000 people took part.
"Interim results of the study in Argentina are based on data from 1,102 volunteers, and 12 various vaccine combinations. The overall design of the study will include 2,800 subjects – 560 in each of the 5 provinces of Argentina: City and Province of Buenos Aires, as well as Córdoba, La Rioja and San Luis," the RDIF said.
In addition, the study proved that Sputnik Light is an effective multipurpose booster for vaccines produced by AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna and Cansino, eliciting a strong immune response and showing high safety.
"One-shot Sputnik Light is an effective universal booster for vaccines produced by Astrazeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna and Cansino. Each 'vaccine cocktail' combination with Sputnik Light provided higher antibody titer on 14th day after administering the second dose as compared to original homogenous (same vaccine as first and second dose) regimens of each of the vaccines. The data also demonstrated high safety profile of using Sputnik Light in combinations with all other vaccines with no serious adverse events following the vaccination in any combinations," RDIF added.
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The first agreement on joint clinical trials of the combined use of the AstraZeneca and Sputnik Light vaccines was signed by RDIF, Russia's Gamaleya research institute, AstraZeneca and R-Pharm in December 2020.