The Backstory

Whistleblower Daniel Hale is Being Treated Like a Terrorist

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan and co-host John Kiriakou discussed current events, including Southwest Airlines workers protesting against the COVID-19 vaccine mandate outside the headquarters, and Russia suspending direct diplomatic ties with NATO.
Kevin Gosztola - Managing Editor of | Whistleblower Daniel Hale, Whistleblowers, and The Deep State
Ted Rall - Political Cartoonist, Syndicated Columnist | Colin Powell Dying, The Big Lie of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, and The Danger of Vaccine Mandates
In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Kevin Gosztola about the injustice against Daniel Hale, illegal drone strikes, and diversity quotas in prison. Kevin talked about the Daniel Hale story and how his mental health is in extreme danger in prison. Kevin spoke on the last-minute decision to send Daniel Hale to a Maximum Prison in Illinois and Daniel Hale was placed in a CMU (communications management unit) in Marion, Illinois.
In the second hour, Lee spoke with Ted Rall about the death of Colin Powell, vaccine mandates, and Dick Cheyney. Ted discussed the yellowcake uranium story that led to the invasion of Iraq. Ted spoke about his stance on vaccine mandates and the dangers of mandating entire populations to be vaccinated.
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