Political Misfits

Russia Suspends Mission to NATO; Prisons and Recidivism; Build Back Better in Peril

Study claims mass incarceration fails as a crime deterrent. Are there better alternatives other than prison?
Lee Stranahan, co-host of The Backstory on Radio Sputnik, joins us to talk about the breaking news of an FBI raid at the Washington, DC home of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, who has had ties to former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, whether this raid is in connection to this and continuing efforts targeting Russian oligarchs, and how Russiagate is still alive and well in the U.S.
Mark Sleboda, international affairs and security analyst, talks to us about Russia suspending its observer mission to NATO after 8 of its diplomats were expelled after allegations of spying, what sort of diplomatic engagement did Russia have in NATO prior to this incident, what impact this decision could have in relations between Russia and NATO countries, and what this means for other countries like the Ukraine and China. We also talk about the extradition of Venezuelan envoy Alex Saab to the United States and the continued siege of the U.S. against Venezuela.
Amanda Hall, campaign director for Dream Corps JUSTICE, joins us to talk about a recent academic study from the University of Chicago that conducted a wide ranging meta-analysis which concluded, among other revelations, that continued incarceration does not serve as an effective crime deterrent, and that in fact, could actually increase recidivism. We also talk about other alternatives to incarceration, like restorative justice, that could better serve society by not focusing on punishment or isolation from society and encouraging rehabilitation.
Ra Shad Frazier-Gaines, founder and chair of the Black Caucus of the Young Democrats of America and founder and chair of Black Progressives, joins hosts Michelle Witte and Bob Schlehuber to talk about the continued failure of the Democratic Party to pass Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, the continued backlash to America’s two-party system, and the dirty money influencing the Virginia gubernatorial election.
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