Political Misfits

Vaccine Giants Deny Licenses; Ethiopia Conflict; Release of JFK Records Delayed

Western media sides with the TPLF narrative in the conflict in Ethiopia. What lies behind this biased reporting?
Dr. Iyabo Obasanjo, professor of public health at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA, talks to us about vaccine giants Moderna and Pfizer refusing to grant licenses for their mRNA technology to developing countries, arguing that they lack the infrastructure and technological know-how to produce vaccines. We talk about how this is just another move to monopolize vaccine production and protect profits, even after these companies are regular recipients of public funds, and how many countries do in fact have the capacity to produce vaccines. We also talk about the controversy surrounding Dr. Anthony Fauci’s statements last year related to the origins of the virus, new theories about lab leaks, and whether these can actually hold water.
Journalist Hermela Aregawi joins us to talk about the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia and the Tigray region, where the Tigray People's Liberation Front are taking an increasingly aggressive stance, and how Western media have failed in presenting a balanced view of the conflict, sometimes to point of sounding like TLPF spokespeople. We discuss how famine has been weaponized and loosely used by Western media in order to demonize the Ethiopian government, and how allegations that the government has blocked aid have been fueled by international aid organizations and the UN without properly verifying the evidence in these allegations. We also talk about how there has been a lack of reporting on the migrant crisis and flow into Sudan, and the completion of the Grand Renaissance Dam, which has region-wide implications.
Dan Lazare, journalist and writer, joins us to talk about the Biden administration again delaying the release of government records on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, citing the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the reasons for the delay, and what new revelations, if any, could come to light once these records are released. We also talk about the US obsession with placing sanctions on countries it does not like, even after it’s been revealed that, beyond inflicting misery on populations, sanctions are not an effective geopolitical tool, and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey predicting hyperinflation coming in the US and the world.
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