
Biden's Trip to Europe for Climate Change Summit Generates Tonnes of CO2, Says Media

The flights and snake-like convoys of vehicles used by the POTUS and his entourage during the trip aren't exactly eco-friendly.
US President Joe Biden and is generating a sizeable carbon footprint during his trip to Europe, which, ironically, is going to involve him participating in the COP26 summit on climate change in Glasgow.
According to The Daily Mail, some 2.16 million pounds of carbon dioxide will be produced by the four planes involved in the trip: Air Force One itself, the “identical decoy” aircraft, and two C-17 Globemaster large military transport aircraft that carry Biden’s “battalion of cars and helicopters.”
The president’s cars, which include "The Beast" – Biden’s Cadillac limo that weighs 20,000 pounds, has a five-litre diesel engine, and does about 8 miles to the gallon – are also going contribute to the POTUS' carbon footprint, reportedly bringing its total amount to 2.2 million pounds.
On 28 October, Biden set sail for Italy to attend the G20 summit in Rome to discuss various global issues such as the COVID pandemic and climate change.
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On 29 October, he travelled in a lengthy 85-car motorcade to the Vatican City where he met with Pope Francis I; during their meeting, the pontiff and the president also discussed climate change, the newspaper points out.
On 31 October, the US president is expected to fly to Scotland where he will attend the COP26 summit on climate change in Glasgow.