The Backstory

The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Continues, and Russia Suggests Solutions to the Refugee Crisis

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan and co-host John Kiriakou discussed current events, including Kyle Rittenhouse testifying in his trial, and YouTube hiding the dislike counter button.
Peter Oliver - RT European Correspondent and Sputnik European Correspondent | Asylum Applications in the EU, Border Walls, and Sanctions on Belarus
Joel Segal - Former Congressional Staffer, Co-Author of HR 676 | Infrastructure Bill, Omnibus Bills, and The Funkadelic
In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Peter Oliver about migrants along the Polish border, cheap labor, and refugees in Greece. Peter talked about the refugees in Turkey and President Erdogan using refugees as political pawns against Greece. Peter spoke on the asylum policy in the European Union and Germany unable to receive more refugees.
In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Joel Segal about the Trump voters, Biden got infrastructure done, and Medicare for all. Joel discussed the recent passing of the infrastructure bill and the Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill. Joel spoke on the Republican party and the dangers he sees in Trump voters.
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