The Critical Hour

Biden Threatens Nicaraguans Over Election Outcome; Biden/Harris Face Disastrous Poll Numbers

President Joe Biden has threatened economic retaliation against the people of Nicaragua after they reelected socialist Daniel Ortega in a landslide victory.
Jack Rasmus, professor in economics and politics at St. Mary's College in California, joins us to discuss the economy. President Biden talked about inflation and the supply chain crisis concerns during his trip to the Port of Baltimore. Also, the weekly jobs reports are in and the US plan to dominate the computer chip industry is running up against Chinese resistance.
John Burris, civil rights attorney, joins us to discuss this week's important legal stories. Counselor Burris joins us to talk about the Ahmaud Arbery and Kyle Rittenhouse cases. Legal observers are questioning the strategy of the prosecutors in the Rittenhouse case as some glaring mistakes are being exposed. Also, defense attorneys in the Arbery case are complaining about the presence of civil rights activists sitting with the family in the courtroom.
Greg Palast, investigative reporter, joins us to discuss Steven Donziger. Greg covers his new article about human rights lawyer Steven Danziger. Danziger was convicted and sentenced by persons directly connected to the fossil fuel corporation that he successfully sued in South America. Greg argues that Western media outlets are deliberately ignoring the story.
Jim Kavanagh, writer at and CounterPunch, and Dan Lazare, author and investigative journalist, join us to discuss important stories of the week. The Kremlin is arguing that the Russiagate operation was instrumental in collapsing US-Russia bilateral ties. Also, President Joe Biden has threatened economic retaliation against the people of Nicaragua after they reelected socialist President Daniel Ortega in a landslide victory, Russia and China are working on military technology, and President Biden's poll numbers are cratering.
Dr. Colin Campbell, DC Senior News Correspondent, and Nick Davies, peace activist and author of "Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion of Iraq," come together to discuss this week's important stories. The eviction crisis is moving like a glacier rather than an avalanche as the disaster slowly builds in communities across the nation. Also, they discuss the US drone program, the crash of the Biden/Harris poll numbers, and the Black misleadership class in the United States.
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