Fault Lines

Belarus Accused of 'Hybrid War' as Migrants Receive Housing on Border

On this episode of "Fault Lines", hosts Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan talk about Biden's infrastructure bill that he signed into law after much delay, the crisis on the border of Belarus and Poland as Belarusian authorities provide shelter for migrants, and the EU's energy crisis.
Jim Kavanagh - Socialist Writer | Stalled Infrastructure Bill Not Enough
Peter Oliver - RT Correspondent | Poland Ignores EU Asylum Rule As Belarus Claims Humanitarian Concerns
In the first hour, Fault Lines was joined by Jim Kavanagh who argues that President Biden's delayed infrastructure bill won't make things better for most Americans with an analysis of what this means for Biden's agenda.
In the second hour, Peter Oliver joined the conversation to talk about the developments on the border of Belarus and Poland including what could be a cold winter for many in Europe as Lukasheno's threats of cutting off gas echo.
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