The Backstory

MSNBC Employee is Accused of Following Rittenhouse Trial Jurors

On today's episode of "The Backstory", host Lee Stranahan and co-host John Kiriakou discussed current events, including Alec Baldwin not being scripted to fire a gun in the movie scene, and Ireland going into partial lockdown.
Carmine Sabia - Writer and Editor at Large at | Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Capital Punishment, and New Jersey Landmarks
Tyler Nixon - Attorney, Media Relations Specialist | Jim Jones, Dover Air Base, and Andrew McCabe
In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Carmine Sabia about the political double standards, the new era of politics, and Republicans censured. Carmine discussed the incitement of violence by Maxine Waters and the lack of accountability from Democrats. Carmine spoke about the Kenosha sheriff and the potential riots after the Rittenhouse verdict.
In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Tyler Nixon about former Congressman Leo Ryan, the Jonestown massacre, and California Democrats. Tyler talked about the FBI raid on Project Veritas and the reaction by The Washington Post. Tyler talked about Kamala Harris and her early connections to top California Democrats.
Also, the judge in the Rittenhouse trial has banned a man who claimed to be working for MSNBC from the courthouse.
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