The Backstory

The US Government Wins Its Appeal in Julian Assange's Extradition Case

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan and co-host John Kiriakou discussed current events, including President Putin saying the Russian government was previously swarming with CIA officers, and the United States along with Japan are conducting joint military drills.
Robert Inlakesh - Journalist, Writer, and Political Analyst | The Julian Assange Extradition Case, The Guardian News Outlet, and The War on Yemen
Addy Adds - Former Teacher, Reporter, and Commentator | Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Misinformation, Grading the Prosecution in the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial, and the Treatment of the Epstein Victims
In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Robert Inlakesh about Julian Assange, Yemen, and the British media. Robert discussed the recent UK court decision on Julian Assange's extradition verdict and the sentiment among Assange supporters. Robert spoke about the lack of accountability among politicians guilty of war crimes and President Biden lied about ending the war in Yemen.
In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Addy Adds about the defense team in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, the Epstein New Mexico ranch, and the trial possibly ending early. Addy talked about the defense team of Ghislaine Maxwell and the tactics they have used on the witnesses. Addy discussed the lack of media coverage on the second week of the Maxwell trial and the Victoria's Secret connections to this case.
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