The Critical Hour

Kazakhstan Faces Instability Over Energy Prices; Russia Calls for Sanctioning Ukrainian Nazis

A top Russian legislator has called for a unified European response to the glorification of Nazis by pro-Hitler elements in the Ukrainian government.
Scott Ritter, former UN weapon inspector in Iraq, joins us to discuss Kazakhstan. Instability and chaos erupted in the former Soviet republic in response to increased energy costs amid winter. Meanwhile, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev accepted the resignation of the country’s government, which will continue performing its duties until a new cabinet of ministers is formed.
Dr. Colin Campbell, DC senior news correspondent, joins us to discuss gun violence. The spate of gun violence in the US continues unabated as the nation records 400 deaths in the first 4 days of 2022. This includes nine mass shootings in which at least four people were injured, but does not include 300 additional persons wounded.
Robert Fantina, journalist and Palestinian activist, joins us to discuss the War on Terror. The War on Terror has dramatically increased the amount of terrorist organizations worldwide as many security observers had accurately predicted. This appears to be the intent of those who profit from war and use terrorism as a justification for funneling money to their respective corporations and think tanks.
Dan Lazare, investigative journalist and author of "America's Undeclared War," joins us to discuss Ukraine. A top Russian legislator has called for a unified European response to the glorification of Nazis by pro-Hitler elements in the Ukrainian government. Also, the Jewish press is roundly condemning the Nazi celebrations in Kiev and demanding that action is taken.
Branko Marcetic, Jacobin staff writer and author of "Yesterday's Man: The Case Against Joe Biden," joins us to discuss the military-industrial complex. A recent survey showed that a strong plurality of Americans oppose going to war with Russia over Ukraine despite an avalanche of propaganda trying to convince them otherwise.
Steve Poikonen, national organizer for Action4Assange, joins us to discuss Julian Assange. NBC News has published an article written by a former FBI agent who spent his time during the Obama administration hounding the publisher. The media organization failed to disclose the former agent's ties to the case.
Maru Mora-Villapando, community organizer, political activist, consultant and trainer, joins us to discuss immigration. The Biden administration is facing many lawsuits from families whose children were taken from them at the border. The outcome of the trials could be critical as the president's party is on shaky ground with Latino voters moving towards the midterm elections.
KJ Noh, activist, writer, and teacher, joins us to discuss China. As the US slides into political and economic instability, China has celebrated a number of major technological advancements.
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