The Backstory

President Biden Speaks in His First 2022 Press Conference

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan discussed current events including Mark Brzezinski becoming US ambassador to Poland, and Starbucks suspending vaccine requirements.
Carmine Sabia - Writer and Editor at Large at | President Biden's Press Conference, Awful Polls for Biden, and Biden Blaming COVID-19 for Everything
In the first hour, The Backstory played President Biden's first 2022 press conference. President Biden discussed the two years of COVID-19 hardships and his goal to vaccinate the world. President Biden blamed inflation on COVID-19 and promised to stabilize the economy.
In the second hour, Lee and Carmine Sabia continued to listen to President Biden's first 2022 press conference. President Biden talked about his 'Build Back Better' plan and how Biden will handle the stalling of his legislature. President Biden spoke about his plan to "defend" Ukraine and his harsh sanctions for Russia.
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