
Moscow Not Surprised US Shifting Responsibility to Russia for Leaked Response to Security Proposals

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - On Wednesday, Spain's El Pais newspaper published the text of the alleged US response to the Russian security guarantees proposals, with both Moscow and Washington confirming the authenticity of the leaked documents. US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland claimed that Moscow was behind the incident.
Moscow is not surprised by the fact that Washington has shifted responsibility to Russia for the leak of the US response to security guarantee proposals to the media, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said on Friday.
"There is nothing new and unexpected. According to Washington's logic, Moscow is responsible for everything," Grushko said.
Earlier, as Spain's El Pais newspaper published the text of the alleged US response to the Russian security guarantee proposals, US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland accused Moscow of leaking it.
In turn, Defense Department spokesperson John Kirby said that the United States did not make its responses to the Russian security proposals public, but the publication of the document confirms that Washington wants to negotiate and reach a solution.
Moscow published its security suggestions for NATO and the United States in late 2021 as tensions flared around Ukraine. Moscow specifically requested guarantees that NATO would not expand eastward to include Ukraine and Georgia. The United States insists it will not allow anyone to slam NATO's open door policy shut. On 26 January, the US and NATO sent Moscow written responses to Russia's proposals on security guarantees.