The Critical Hour

Ukraine Invasion Hoax Falls Flat; US Media Parrots CIA Narrative

The dubious prediction that Russia would launch a full spectrum attack on its eastern neighbor, precisely on February 16th, has proven to be another preposterous neocon hoax.
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, joins us to discuss the Russian invasion hoax. The dubious prediction that Russia would launch a full spectrum attack on its neighbor, precisely on February 16th, has proven to be another poorly conceived neocon hoax. Ray explains what comes next.
KJ Noh, activist, writer, and teacher, joins us to discuss China. The US is signaling that they may increase trade tariffs against China. China argues that increased economic restrictions between the world's largest economies will harm global trade.
Co-hosts Wilmer Leon and Garland Nixon come together to discuss the Global South. The US empire continues its persecution of kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. Also, Saab's wife says that he is currently facing torture in a move to force him to reveal information.
Netfa Freeman, host of Voices With Vision on WPFW 89.3 FM, Pan-Africanist and internationalist organizer, joins us to discuss both the military and prison industrial complexes. Alan Macleod reveals that several high-paid military contractors are using slave labor from prisoners. Despite the contracts for billions in tax dollars, many of the weapons made are manufactured by prison labor working for slave wages.
Greg Palast, investigative reporter, joins us to discuss Ukraine. Greg Palast reveals his beliefs on the true reasons behind the Ukraine crisis, while our hosts discuss their thoughts on the same. Is it about religion, oil prices, or NATO's military buildup on the Russian border?
Caleb Maupin, journalist and political analyst, joins us to discuss US foreign policy. The US has unspoken hegemonic desires for the world. We discuss the current clash between the US unipolar vision and the reality of a multipolar power structure that has arisen as Russia and China have developed.
Jon Jeter, journalist and author, joins us to discuss the media. Recent events have demonstrated that the US media parrots narratives put forward by the US intelligence community almost verbatim. Caitlin Johnstone argues satirically that the US news media should simply operate directly from the CIA headquarters in Langley, VA.
Kathy Kelly, American peace activist, joins us to discuss Afghanistan. The Biden administration is getting considerable pushback for their plan to disperse Afghanistan's sovereign wealth to US citizens. The war-ravaged nation is suffering severe economic distress as a result of the US occupation, and this move seems to be piling on pain to the Afghanistan citizens.
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