By Any Means Necessary

Anti-Racist and Internationalist Solidarity Are Key to Liberation

Black Struggle and Solidarity, Puerto Rican Public Sector Workers Fight Austerity, Media Demonizes Russian Figure Skater Kamila Valieva
In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman discuss the weaponization of psychology to demonize John Brown and slaves who attempted to escape bondage, how that weaponization continues to uphold white supremacy today with practices like race norming, how this fits into current fights against white supremacy and the need to extend solidarity to all who fight back against the racist, patriarchal, imperialist, and capitalist system, and how no salvation will be found in this system and its politicians.
In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Libre X Sankara, poet, cultural worker, educator and organizer with the Troika Kollective to discuss ongoing demonstrations among public sector workers in Puerto Rico and how the colonial debt imposed on Puerto Rico by the US contributes to the economic crisis faced by the island, Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Pierluisi’s belittling comments on striking teachers and public sector workers and the challenges faced by those workers, how the current political structure of Puerto Rico ultimately serves the colonial relationship with the US, and the connections between other anti-imperialist struggles all over the world and the struggle against colonialism in Puerto Rico.
In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Nate Wallace, co-host of Red Spin Sports to discuss the sudden rightward turn of sports commentator Michelle Tafoya on critical race theory and the teaching of historical racism, the media’s double standard and scandalization of Kamila Valieva and her failed drug test as other Olympic athletes also fail tests, how the scandalization of Valieva connects to recent historical and current demonization of Russia as the US and NATO continue to threaten war with Russia over Ukraine, and the continued fallout over the trade between the Brooklyn Nets and the Philadelphia 76ers.
Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by James Early, Former Director of Cultural Heritage Policy at the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage at the Smithsonian Institution and board member of the Institute for Policy Studies to discuss the light sentence given to Kim Potter for killing Daunte Wright and the continued need for organizing against racist police terror, how Black faces in high places are not enough to meet the needs of working-class Black people and stop racist police terror, how socialist revolutions in Cuba and Venezuela have dealt with the question of race and why it is important to deal with questions of race when organizing in the United States, and the need for global solidarity of working and poor in the face of imperialist warmongering.
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