
French Academy of Fine Arts Denounces Censorship of Nude Art on Social Networks

Masterpieces 'The Origin of the World' by Gustave Courbet and 'Liberty Leading the People' by Eugene Delacroix have been removed from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram due to nudity.
The prestigious French Academy of Fine Arts protests against the censorship of artwork due to nudity on social networks.
According to the academy, companies "cannot claim the right to censor the distribution of a work of art on the sole ground that its representation does not fully fall within the criteria they have established".
Platforms for disseminating works of art (mainly social networks) do not allow the viewing of nudity and therefore remove any image where they spot them, the academy said.
According to the Academy of Fine Arts, which was set up in 1648 to defend 'France's artistic heritage', there had been uncountable examples of censorship that 'considerably hamper' the promotion of artwork on those platforms.
This 'ludicrous' situation requires a legitimate reaction and the Academy calls for the question of the freedom of the dissemination of information and the means to be implemented to protect it, according to the academy.
Nevertheless, the academy did not mention any of the companies which it accuses of censorship by name.