Political Misfits

The Info War Intensifies as the Conflict in Ukraine Continues

The Misfits talk about Biden’s SOTU, Texas Trans Kids Bill and Censorship of Sputnik and RT News Networks.
At the top of the show, Ford Fischer is a primary source documentarian work in Oscar, Emmy and Golden Globe-winning films. And Editor-in-chief of News2Share joins the Misfits to talk about the Freedom Convoy headed to Washington DC. The initial permit for the March 1, 2022 trucker protest was for 3000 people then scaled down to 500 finally only a few dozen people showed up. The convoys were supposed to be here in time to protest during the State of the Union address last night, but they didn’t make it. Now we’re getting news that organizers of the Northern California group of truckers said yesterday that they were disbanding and going home. The Southern California convoy and the New England convoy are expected to arrive in the DC area on Saturday.
Next, Jon Jeter, author and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist with more than 20 years of journalistic experience. He is a former Washington Post bureau chief and award-winning foreign correspondent on two continents joins the conversation to break down Biden’s State of the Union address. Biden spent a lot of time talking about progressive domestic politics such as raising the minimum and job growth. The president also talked about inflation. It is not that America needs more jobs. America needs more higher-paying jobs that’s what would get people excited according to Jeter. He says the Biden administration is tone deaf. At a time of surging inflation $15.00 an hour minimum wage is not enough. Biden’s long-term solution, the “Buy American Plan” it is going to take several years for the U.S. to make the transition from an import economy to a manufacturing economy, Jeter said.
Then, Karleigh Webb, journalist, videographer and anti-imperialist, labor and trans rights organizer with the PSL in Connecticut joins the show to talk about the Texas governor’s directive that took effect this week, calling for state agencies to investigate the families of trans children who get gender-affirming medical care, and to perhaps refer those parents for prosecution for child abuse. Meanwhile, many physicians argue that gender-affirming therapies are often important and necessary.
Aaron Good, political scientist and host of the American Exception podcast on Patreon. His doctoral dissertation published by Skyhorse in April under the title 'American Exception': Empire and the Deep State’ joins the conversation to talk about the media information war that’s escalated since the conflict in Ukraine. The Russians over the past several years have been accused of fixing the 2016 presidential election, of causing Brexit, and forcing a vote on Scottish independence. In today’s Telegraph newspaper from London, we’re now seeing an accusation that the Russians are responsible for causing a subway workers strike because one of the union members expressed pro-Russian sentiment a year or two ago. They talk about how and if it is even possible to counter this kind of disinformation?
For the last segment, Kimberly Dvorak, investigative journalist joins the show to talk about all the military aid that the Western Alliance and specifically the US is sending to Ukraine. Dvorak says the focus should be offering Putin an off ramp to the conflict. The United States needs to assure Russia they are not supportive of Ukraine joining up with NATO rather than escalating tensions by providing more weapons culminating in an arms race in Eastern Europe. Dvorak says that U.S. media wants the war and it helps to take the focus of attention off Biden's falling poll numbers. The important issues that voters are most concerned about is high inflation and surging fuel cost according to Dvorak.
The Misfits sign off today, now get back to organizing!
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