Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russian MoD Shows Wrecked Ukrainian Tanks, Abandoned US Javelins Near Mariupol – Video

The Defence Ministry earlier said that its troops in cooperation with the forces of the Donbass republics have made progress in encircling the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. Their advance comes as part of a special operation declared by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 24 February to demilitarise and "de-Nazify" Ukraine.
The Russian Defence Ministry has released a video showing the aftermath of fighting near the city of Mariupol. The footage shows a partially destroyed tank, presumably a T-72AV/B1, branding the colours of the Ukrainian flag on its main cannon.
The video also shows an abandoned and possibly used FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile, which were supplied in huge numbers to Ukraine by the US. Russia lambasted these shipments, arguing that they would only exacerbate the fighting in Donbass and prompt Kiev to abandon the option of resolving the crisis through peaceful means.
Additionally, the footage from the Defence Ministry shows abandoned Ukrainian military fortifications. It also depicted the distribution of water and provisions to local residents by the Russian military as part of the humanitarian efforts being carried out in the area.