The Critical Hour

US Sanctions Bill Named After Nazi Collaborator Slogan; Iran Deal Reportedly Close

Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Chuck Grassley introduced a new sanctions bill that spells out "Glory to the Heroes," a slogan infamously chanted by World War 2 Nazi collaborators in Ukraine.
Scott Ritter, former UN weapon inspector in Iraq, joins us to discuss Ukraine. Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Chuck Grassley introduced a new sanctions bill been that spells out "Glory to the Heroes," a slogan infamously chanted by World War 2 Nazi collaborators in Ukraine. Also, we discuss the history of Ukraine and the Donbass.
Dr. Ken Hammond, professor of East Asian and global history at New Mexico State University, joins us to discuss China. There are competing narratives as China stands accused of collaborating in Russia's Ukraine operations by some Western sources. Also, we discuss the US trade war on China.
James Carey, writer, activist, and podcaster, joins us to discuss the Iran nuclear deal. Though it has been stated ad nauseam, there are fresh proclamations that the Iran nuclear deal will be rejoined by the US empire soon. Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, a former opponent of the agreement, has changed direction and is now pushing for closure.
Dr. Gerald Horne, professor of history at the University of Houston, author, historian, and researcher, joins us to discuss Eastern Europe. Dr. Horne joins us to review his latest article in Black Agenda Report on the crisis in Ukraine. He argues that this crisis is one of the rare turning points in world history.
Laith Marouf, broadcaster and journalist based in Beirut, joins us to discuss the Middle East. We discuss the Muslim world's reaction to the Ukraine crisis. There seems to be little support for joining the US in isolating Russia in a region that has been under military attack and domination by the West for decades.
Dr. Jemima Pierre, associate professor of Black studies and anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles, a member of the Black Alliance for Peace, and an editor of the "Black Agenda Review" segment of the Black Agenda Report, joins us to discuss Haiti. We compare the Ukraine crisis to the multi-century war on Haiti by the United States. This is particularly interesting because the US and Haiti were the first two free and sovereign nations in the Americas (slavery in America notwithstanding).
Professor Nicolai Petro, professor of political science at the University of Rhode Island specializing in Ukraine and Russia, joins us to discuss the US response to the Ukraine crisis. The US has announced a new regime of sanctions against Russia and Belarus. We discuss the blowback of these sanctions on the US and EU and the world power dynamic implications of the political and economic reaction.
Jim Kavanagh, writer at and CounterPunch and the author of "The American Farce Unravels: Shreds of January 6th," joins us to discuss media implications from the Ukraine crisis. The US and EU have taken dramatic actions against Russian media and its employees. We discuss the fallout of these actions and the underlying meaning of societies that use such draconian measures of censorship.
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