The Backstory

China Wants Answers on US Biolabs in Ukraine

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan discussed current events including Biden announcing a ban on Russian oil imports, and US gasoline prices hitting a record high.
Dmitry Babich - Journalist, Specialty in Russian Politics| Russian Lives Matter Too, News in Russia, and Syrian Terrorists in Ukraine
Thom Nickels – Author, Journalist | Large Concert Crowds Present Danger in the Future, Supervised Injection Sites, and Soros Funded Propaganda
In the first hour, Lee spoke with Dmitry Babich about the Russian military, criticism of President Putin, and sanctions. Dmitry spoke about the NATO exercises near Russian borders and the Western powers that ignored the Russian demands. Dmitry discussed the foreign terrorists in Ukraine and how long the conflict will last.
In the second hour, Lee and Jason Goodman spoke with Thom Nickels about the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, wartime propaganda, and the Altamont Free Concert. Thom discussed the 1969 Altamont Free Concert and the tragedy that happened recently at the Travis Scott concert. Thom talked about the violence in Philadelphia and Soros funded District Attorney Larry Krasner.
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