Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russian Forces Have Destroyed 3,491 Targets of Ukrainian Military Infrastructure - MoD

The Russian military started a special operation in Ukraine on 24 February, after the Donbass republics appealed to Russia for help, seeking to stop the eight-year war in Ukraine.
Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Maj. General Igor Konashenkov stated on Friday that Russian troops have eliminated almost 3,500 military objects during the special op in Ukraine.

"In total, 3,491 objects belonging to Ukrainian military infrastructure were disabled during the operation. Destroyed: 123 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,127 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 115 multiple launch rocket systems, 423 field artillery guns and mortars, 934 units of special military vehicles", he said.

He noted that the Russian military continues to advance, adding that over the past day troops downed 5 drones and one Tochka-U missile.At the same time, the people's militias of the DPR and LPR are also reclaiming settlements in a counteroffensive, the spokesman added.
The special operation was launched on 24 February, with Russian forces using precision weapons to eliminate Ukrainian military infrastructure. President Vladimir Putin stated that the op was started to protect the people of Donbass, who have been suffering from a military campaign waged by Kiev, and noted, that the goal of the operation is the denazification and demilitarisation of Ukraine.
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